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ICYMI: Matt Rosendale Takes Up Anti-IVF Campaign in Latest Break from GOP Colleagues

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Emily Brooks of The Hill published an article titled "Matt Rosendale Takes Up Anti-IVF Campaign in Latest Break from GOP Colleagues," detailing Rep. Matt Rosendale's (MT-02) initiative to stop taxpayer dollars from funding the life destroying practice of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The article begins:

“Rep. Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) has become the loudest voice in Congress against in vitro fertilization (IVF), threatening to complicate the GOP message on the deeply personal procedure at a time when reproductive issues pose a challenge for the party.

As most Republicans have rushed to express their support for IVF or said that policies on the matter should be left to the state level, Rosendale has called IVF “morally wrong,” proposed anti-IVF amendments and hung anti-IVF posters outside his office.

The outgoing congressman, who has long frustrated fellow Republicans with his stances and brash style, says his goal with the shock campaign is to steer the conversation his way and challenge his colleagues who bill themselves as pro-life.

“It gets back to the very basic question: Do you believe that life begins at conception, or not?” Rosendale said in an interview with The Hill…

You find the rest of the article HERE.