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Rosendale Demands Answers for Veteran Who Was Refused Care Due to VA Mask Mandates

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Recently, Congressman Matt Rosendale sent a letter to the Executive Director of the Montana VA Healthcare System, Dr. Judy Hayman, requesting answers after a veteran was denied care at the Benjamin Charles Steele VA Clinic in Billings for refusing to wear a mask.

“Denying anyone, particularly a veteran, medical care over a personal decision is outrageous and violates the Hippocratic Oath. The pandemic is over, and it is time to end all mandates,” Rosendale states in the letter. “It is wrong that veterans who have honorably served our country are being denied proper medical treatment due to an outdated and senseless mandate.”

The full text of the letter can be found here.

Last week, Congressman Rosendale also questioned Dr. Shereef Elnahal, United States Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Health, over the mask mandates enforced by the VA.


Watch Congressman Rosendale's questions to Dr. Elnahal here.

Congressman Rosendale was first made aware of the incident after the veteran sent an open letter to Montana Talks.