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Opinion: Biden's Injustice Dept. Gravest Threat to Our Republic

Originally published in Newsmax

Democrats are trying to steal another election.

This time, they’re doing it in the name of "protecting democracy."

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, make that Injustice, raided Mar-a-Lago.

His attack dog Jack Smith charged President Trump in June for "mishandling classified documents."

The trial date is set for May 2024, the height of election season, but Democrats know that the case is flimsy, and Democrats don’t trust a Florida jury to side with the far-left.

That’s why, Tuesday, U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith charged President Trump yet again — this time, for objecting to the 2020 election — despite the United States Senate determining President Trump did not violate the law on Jan. 6.

But Jack Smith won’t let the facts stop him from bringing President Trump to trial in Washington D.C.

All nine jurors who will hear the case against President Trump will reside in the swamp, a city that sent 93% of its votes to Joe Biden in 2020 and is eager to convict Trump of anything.

Washington D.C. is the perfect city to stage a trial against Trump, and Jack Smith is the perfect inhabitant of the swamp to pull it off.

Smith's wife is a major Biden donor, a radical Democrat and a Soros-funded filmmaker.

Smith’s lead prosecutor has also donated exclusively to the Democratic Party.

Smith has launched a massive investigation that’s set to cost taxpayers $25 million this year, so what about the rest of his team?

We know that he’s hired Biden Department of Justice staffers to investigate Biden’s main political challenger, but Smith and the Biden administration are refusing to release their names to the public.

On top of his far-left partisan bias, Jack Smith has shown time and again he’s willing to ignore prosecutorial standards to punish his political enemies.

The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously overturned Smith’s conviction of former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell due to Smith’s "distasteful" conduct.

The DOJ’s public integrity division under Jack Smith failed to prosecute National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Thomas A. Drake after a federal judge determined the DOJ’s treatment of Jake was "unconscionable."

Little wonder that the Biden DOJ saw Jack Smith as the perfect puppet to orchestrate its partisan witch hunt.

Democrats have tried the Russia Hoax, two impeachments, the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg witch-hunt, the Mar- A-Lago raid, Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 Committee, and now another sham Jan. 6 case.

Why are they so desperate to "Get Trump!"?

It’s simple: Democrats are terrified of a 2024 rematch with President Trump.

All of this constitutes election interference.

Even the media now recognizes President Trump as the undisputed leader of the GOP, and our presumptive 2024 nominee.

But the mainstream press won’t admit that President Trump is also the 2024 general election frontrunner, and that voters are just starting to learn the details about the Biden family's shady foreign business dealings.

In 2020, Democrats had COVID-19 on their side.

They weaponized it to illegally rewrite election laws without the consent of state legislatures and to funnel hundreds of millions of "Zuckerbucks" to key states like Wisconsin and Michigan for "voter outreach" and public election infrastructure.

They even sent them here to Montana.

Biden’s Department of Justice is a danger to our republic, and this latest investigation is another example of the left’s weaponization of the federal government.

On Jan. 6, 2021 — President Trump was the only one that asked for increased security around the Capitol. Yet how is it that Jack Smith is not launching an investigation against Nancy Pelosi or D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser — both of whom refused the extra security?

Equal justice under the law has to be more than a slogan; it must be a reality — which is why I am proud to support a bill by Rep. Gaetz, R-Fla., to defund this witch hunt and remind Biden and the DOJ that Congress has the power of the purse, and we will use every tool available to us to end this weaponization against President Trump.