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Representative Rosendale Leads Effort Slamming Secretary Mayorkas for Disempowering ICE

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Rosendale led 44 of his colleagues in sending a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas urging him to rescind several of his memoranda which eviscerate U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) ability to effectively enforce America’s immigration laws, and jeopardize our national security and public safety.

The memoranda in question establish numerous sanctuary spaces for illegal aliens across the nation, halt worksite enforcement to prevent illegal aliens from working illegally in the United States, and severely restrict criteria for which aliens can be apprehended and removed.

The letter states that “while not directly giving in to the radical Left’s calls to abolish ICE, by halting immigration enforcement actions conducted by the agency, it is clear DHS is seeking to abolish ICE from within. 

The recent actions taken by Secretary Mayorkas will further exacerbate the ongoing humanitarian, public health, and national security crises taking place at our southern border and further incentivize lawlessness.

“With more border encounters the past year than any year on record, it’s clear we’re past the point of this being a crisis. The Biden Administration’s efforts to dismantle President Trump’s successful immigration policies has led to an outright invasion at our southern border. Representative Rosendale said. These recent actions by Secretary Mayorkas will make the situation much worse. We cannot allow this administration to continue this transparent effort to in effect abolish ICE and protect all illegal aliens from deportation–putting the safety of our communities and our national security at risk. For the sake of our nation, Secretary Mayorkas must rescind these memoranda and resign, or face impeachment.” 

“Biden’s Border Crisis is intentional,” said Rep. Babin (R-TX). “The record high apprehensions and record low deportations are a direct result of this administration’s open border agenda. America needs a strong ICE – our national security requires it. If Secretary Mayorkas is unwilling to uphold the oath he swore, he should be removed.”

“The Biden administration has stripped America of every tool we have to protect our borders. The Biden Administration has handcuffed our law enforcement officers and continues to encourage the invasion of illegal immigrants at our southern border. This is America-last policy, and Secretary Mayorkas should resign or be impeached.” – Rep. Bob Good (R-VA)

“On day one, President Biden shattered the stability of our southern border, rolled out the welcome mat for illegal immigrants, and put American lives at risk.” said Congressman Hice (R-GA). “As illegal immigrants continue to pour across our southern border in record-breaking numbers, it is time for the Biden Administration to put the American people FIRST and enforce our nation’s immigration laws NOW.”

“Protecting this country’s border should be a top priority of the Department of Homeland Security, yet under Secretary Mayorkas, DHS is actively seeking to disarm ICE, ignore immigration law and put Americans’ health and safety at risk. Mayorkas is abandoning his duty and must be held accountable.” – Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX)

“Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has turned the whole country into a ‘sanctuary city’ by designating safe spaces for illegal immigrants and prohibiting ICE from enforcing the rule of law and arresting removable aliens at woke colleges, welfare offices, playgrounds, Antifa riots and BLM rallies. Biden and Mayorkas’ open border policies have allowed for America to be invaded and are incentivizing millions to enter our country illegally,” Rep. Boebert (R-CO) stated. “Now more than ever, we need ICE to enforce the laws on the books and remove people that unlawfully entered America. This year alone, nearly 2 million illegal aliens have crossed our southern border and the number of drug traffickers attempting to cross our border increased over 450%, the number of sex criminals crossing increased over 200%, and the number of serial border jumpers crossing increased almost 400%. Numerous terrorists have been captured at the border. America is a nation of laws and it’s time for the Biden regime to start enforcing them.”

“The intolerable restrictions the Biden administration has placed on our embattled ICE agents have rendered them law enforcement officers in name only and placed our border in extreme jeopardy of being totally overrun by crime. Secretary Mayorkas has informed every potential illegal immigrant, drug coyote, and human trafficker that our border is open for business, and to every American he has shown that their security takes a backseat to Biden’s open borders agenda. The Biden Administration must take immediate steps to address these detrimental decisions that have directly led to the Biden border crisis or risk further irreversible damage to our national sovereignty and the safety of American citizens.” – Rep. Barry Moore (R-AL)

“The Biden Administration has taken more action against ICE than it has against illegal immigration. The administration is enabling crime, endangering Americans, and destroying our nation. I’m proud to join this letter and demand law and order be upheld.” – Rep. Cawthorn (R-NC)

“As there continues to be unprecedented illegal crossings at our southern border, now is not the time to weaken our nation’s immigration enforcement. Homeland Security should support policies that empower ICE, not dismantle it.” – Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-SD)

“Alejandro Mayorkas is actively working against United States Border Patrol agents who risk their own safety to enforce our immigration laws. The woke insanity corrupting the leadership at the Department of Homeland Security has gone on for far too long. It's time for the Biden administration to start putting the safety and security of our country ahead of the far left’s radical open borders agenda.” Congressman Burchett (R-TN) said.

“The call to dismantle the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as a massive group of illegal migrants are approaching the United States, will only worsen the dire crisis at the border. Secretary Mayorkas must rescind his memoranda and begin to help ICE put an end to the transnational human trafficking operation that the Biden administration is facilitating.” – Rep. Tiffany (R-WI)

“Preventing ICE agents from enforcing immigration laws already on the books only worsens the crisis at our Southern border and jeopardizes our national security,” said Congressman Posey (R-FL).

"It's clear that the radical left's ideology has taken hold of the White House and President Biden. He is hamstringing enforcement agents at the exact moment record numbers of immigrants are flooding across our southern border," Congressman Brian Mast (R-FL) said. "This is the epitome of America Last, and DHS needs to reverse these orders." 

“This proposal is completely unacceptable. At a time where we are facing one of the worst border crises our nation has ever seen, for Secretary Mayorkas to suggest dismantling our brave and already understaffed ICE agents is ridiculous,” said Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ). “The Biden Administration demonstrates time and again its inability in protecting America and promoting our long-standing values, yet Secretary Mayorkas continues to make decisions that prove him to be the cream of the crop of incompetency. I strongly urge him to withdraw this proposal.”

“We’ve seen 1.7 million border encounters over the past year – the highest number ever recorded. Yet instead of giving the brave men and women at DHS agencies the resources they need, the Biden Administration continues to cut them off at the knees at every turn. These memoranda issued by Secretary Mayorkas undermine ICE’s ability to enforce our laws, incentivize illegal immigration, and put our communities at risk.”  – Congressman Mike Bost (R-IL)

