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Rep. Rosendale Files Amendments to FY25 National Defense Authorization Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Matt Rosendale (MT-02) filed the following amendments to the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA): 

  • Amendment #34: Would prohibit TRICARE from covering and the Department of Defense from furnishing gender transition surgeries and gender hormone treatments for individuals who identify as transgender.

“Taxpayers should never be on the hook for funding the mutilation of a soldier’s body. Anything that does not make our military the most effective fighting force on Earth, is a distraction,” said Rep. Rosendale of Amendment #34. “TRICARE and the DOD should be focusing on their respective mission’s of providing care to servicemembers defending our country – not on bringing people’s delusional gender fantasies to fruition.”

  • Amendment #48: Amends Section 1021(b) of the FY2012 National Defense Authorization Act to limit the authority of the U.S. military to indefinitely detain individuals pursuant to the 2001 AUMF, to exclude American citizens from being subject to detention.

“The weaponization of government has become ever prevalent in today’s political environment. It is absolutely pertinent that due process is enshrined in legal disputes, especially when it involves the U.S. military detaining American citizens on U.S. soil. This amendment would provide a much-needed fix to the over decade-old FY2012 NDAA,” said Rep. Rosendale of Amendment #48.  

  • Amendment #1338: Places limits on certain types of assisted reproductive technologies to ensure human life is protected.

Rep. Rosendale said of Amendment #1338, “The moral questions that surround the creation, storage, and destruction of IVF embryos are just beginning to be asked and certainly haven’t been answered. All life has inherent value, and genetic testing nearly guarantees the creation and destruction of embryos in the pursuit of the “perfect” child. I vehemently oppose all IVF promoting provisions not only because of my deep moral concerns but also the unacceptable destruction of life that will result.”