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Chairman Rosendale Blasts Oracle Cerner for Failing Nation’s Heroes

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Chairman Matt Rosendale (MT-02) of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee Subcommittee on Technology Modernization highlighted the failure of Oracle Cerner’s unreliable Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems at VA medical centers, as mentioned by Bloomberg’s Brody Ford.

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Chairman Rosendale’s full statement on Oracle Cerner’s failures to deliver at the VA:

“Oracle Cerner has failed our nation’s heroes time and time again. Their defective EHR system is directly responsible for causing countless issues for medical staff at the VA, causing irreparable physical harm to veterans, and in some extreme cases being directly responsible for veteran deaths. The data is irrefutable, the more VA medical centers that implement the Oracle Cerner EHR system, the more veterans will suffer.

“To fix this problem, a bipartisan group of legislators, with consultation from the VA, established criteria that Oracle Cerner must meet over the next two years. Should they fail to meet those standards, rightfully their contract will be revisited - because they are not doing the job Congress is paying them to do. Unfortunately, Oracle Cerner has started a massive lobbying campaign to kill this provision that would hold them accountable.

“For the VA to fulfill its promise to veterans, Oracle Cerner needs to focus more on delivering reliable technology to those caring for veterans and less on the billions of dollars in profits they are making from defrauding American taxpayers by continually refusing to fix the bugs in their software.”

Key Background:
  • Last month, Chairman Rosendale again sounded the alarm on Oracle Cerner focusing more on buying off politicians than providing quality software for VA medical centers.
  • On February 15, Chairman Rosendale held a hearing for the House Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Technology Modernization, exposing the corruption by Oracle Cerner and their attempt to lobby politicians instead of fixing their software.
  • On November 15, 2023, Chairman Rosendale hosted a Technology Modernization Subcommittee hearing titled “Electronic Health Record Modernization Deep Dive: System Uptime.”
  • On April 21, 2023, the VA extended its pause implementing the Oracle Cerner electronic health record (EHR) at additional VA medical centers as a result of Chairman Rosendale’s nonstop efforts on this issue.
  • On March 7, 2023, Chairman Rosendale hosted a Technology Modernization Subcommittee hearing titled “Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture.”
  • On January 31, 2023, Chairman Rosendale introduced the VA Electronic Health Record Modernization Termination Act, which would:
    • Gradually wind down the Oracle Cerner contract by preventing the Secretary from exercising any options on Oracle Cerner’s contract.
    • Abolish the Electronic Health Record Modernization Integration Office.
    • Transfer remaining activities to the Veterans Health Administration or Office of Information and Technology.
    • Revert all medical centers using the Oracle Cerner EHR to VA’s existing EHR platform: the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture.